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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gathering storm, the world wars against God

As we read the todays headlines or watch the nightly news we see some frightening events unfolding. Nations at war leaders being over thrown, earthquakes, riots and hatred of the most evil kind. Most Chirstians knowing the these things where spoken of in the Bible, over two thousand years ago. We see as the book of 7 Seals are broken and the climax of world history coming to a close. First we should understand that it is Israel that most if not all prophecy pertains to, and that the nations of the world will be judge by the treatment they treat Israel. The Philistines in the time of David had decieved Israel just as they are now by a giant named Goliath all of Israel where afraid to fight the blasphemer and deciever. Today the Goliaths are the UN And EU. But this time the one from the lineage of David the one the stone represented will judge the nations with a rod of iron as in the book of Daniel. Palestine will force Israel once again to divide into a two state nation. As in 1 Kings 16:21 when Israel divided into two parts by Tibni, meaning "intelligent or krafty" and Omri meaning "pupil of Jehovah". Prophecy that was for told in these two is coming to pass today. An article in Ynet News titled; Paradoxically, UN endorsement of Palestinian state may prompt outbreak of war. talks of the Gathering storm and the conflict that has been set in motion so that the world wars against God. Part 1
